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*Wake Forest Fund for the School of Business

*Wake Forest Fund for the School of Business

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Why Give?

Andreas Wolf and Sydney Loughran Wolf challenge you to increase the impact of your gift when you support the Wake Forest Fund for the School of Business! We will unlock an additional $25,000 challenge gift if we reach 50 donors or $25,000 to the Wake Forest Fund for the School of Business. Make your gift today to help us reach this goal!

This year, we celebrate 75 years of Business education at Wake Forest University. Help us celebrate 75 years of business excellence by making your gift to The Wake Forest Fund for the School of Business, which is committed to developing passionate, ethical business leaders driven to achieve results with integrity. Your gift on Deacs Day of Giving will be used to supplement that mission by funding student development and services, faculty development, vital curricular internship development, and technology initiatives. Your generosity as part of the Wake Forest Community on Deacs Day of Giving, and all year long, is greatly appreciated, and the funds are spent at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Business to develop consistent and targeted programs to move the school forward.

Other Ways to Give:

Give a Gift of Stock

For questions about making a contribution through your Donor Advised Fund, making a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) from your retirement account, or any other gift form not shown here, please contact Gayle Parker on our gift administration team. Gayle may be reached at | | 336.758.6086